Hi Sharon,
Thanks so much for all of your help. You were great to work with as well, and we are very excited about our new home!
19 Hawley Street, Suite A
Northampton, MA 01060
Office Hours by Appointment Only
info@rentnoho.comSearch Listings:
Bringing qualified tenants to you
Let the experts handle your vacancies at no cost to you!
Getting Started
Initial appointment to meet and view the vacancy
RentNoho.com is advertised in Hampshire Gazette EVERYDAY under real estate websites and direct potential tenants to daily maintained website
Working with Prospective Tenants
As prospective tenants call in, we take the time to get to know what they are looking for and finding an apartment that works best for their needs
Processing Prospective Tenants
Background check of court record & credit history
Once application is completely processed, agent presents background check to property owner/manager for decision on acceptance along with proposed lease details
Property Management
While RentNoho.com will handle all of your leasing needs, our services do not include property management - management of property is either done by the property owner or a qualified property management company. If you do not want to burden yourself with the day-to-day business of your property such as landscaping and snow removal and tenant relationship, consider hiring an outside property management company to take care of it for you. One of the management companies in the area is Next Place Property Management- 1-413-200-8380